The mission of the International Museum Theatre Alliance is to inspire and support the use of theatre and theatrical technique 
to cultivate emotional connections, provoke action, and add public value to the museum experience. 

IMTAL was established in 1990. Since 1998, our conferences have recognized and supported the best in museum theatre innovation and practice. These meetings of museum and theatre professionals from around the world have advanced the field of museum theatre, helping to encourage growth of new programs as well as best practices and high quality work. Veteran practitioners, emerging professionals, academics and students come together to impel and inspire each other.

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Image reads Communicating the Past Museum Theatre & live interpretation IMTAL Europe International Museum Theatre Alliance & Panteion image is night view of the Acropolis. The Acropolis is and the surrounding streets bathed in yellow orange light against the blue night


Communicating the Past: Museum Theatre & Live Interpretation

Athens, Greece - May 20-22, 2022

We're thrilled to report that our recent conference was a big, beautiful success!

Participants from Greece, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Hungary, The U.K., The U.S., Israel, The Netherlands, and Australia gathered to make memories, consider concepts, re-imagine programs, and explore new ideas. 

Our deep gratitude and respect are extended to the IMTAL- Europe organizing committee, and the patient, guiding hands of Andromache Gazi and Foteini Venieri of  Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Rebecca Shelley of Heterotopia Museum Theatre, and the tireless team of student volunteers who were with us every step of the way.


photo grouping shows, from left to right, Elizabeth Keaney, Aaron Bonds, and Nora Quinn, the newest board members of IMTAL.

Nora Quinn (above r) stays on the board in her new role as Treasurer, replacing the outgoing (and outgoing!) Mason Absher

Aaron Bonds (above c), of Children's Museum of Indianapolis, was elected as Outreach Officer.

Elizabeth Keaney (above l), of George Washington's Mount Vernon, returns to the board as an At-Large member. In spring 2022, she was appointed Secretary.

Additionally, Jacquelyn Coleman of The High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon has been appointed by the board to serve as a board Member At-Large.

Thank you, Todd!

It is traditional to present the out-going board President a token of appreciation at our annual gathering. The global pandemic interfered with our plans, but has not dimmed our respect and admiration for Todd D.Norris.

photo is Todd D. Norris holding a glass recognition award. He is standing on a balcony overlooking the city of Richmond, VA at night.

Todd shows off the award, which the board had delivered to his home. It was hidden by his housemate and revealed to Todd during - what else - a ZOOM meeting.


Zoom screencap of several attendees at conference 2020

 IMTAL at 30: Pandemic, Protests, and Possibilities

 73 of you took the time to join us on one or both days, and your enthusiasm and energy was evident across multiple time zones and zoom screens!

Thank you to Catherine Hughes for her powerful keynote, to Jo Clyne and IMTAL Asia-Pacific, to Angela Pfenninger and IMTAL Europe, to Paul Taylor and David Henry Wrigley and Tesla’s Dream, to George Buss and Mason Absher and The Bob Ross Experience, to those of you who stayed up late, and those who got up early, to our members and friends who listened, to those who spoke out and spoke up, and to those of you who shared your frustrations and your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your strengths, your stories, and your passions.

We didn’t solve all the world’s problems. We didn’t dismantle systemic racism. We didn’t put a dent in economic imbalances, we didn’t untangle the webs of social injustice, and we didn’t smash the patriarchy. But we did identify more of the tools we need to take on those jobs, we did find common ground, more members of our tribe, more souls dedicated to art and education and truth; and above all, we connected with, and were inspired by friends. Not too bad for a few hours, really.


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c/o New England Museum Association
22 Mill Street, Ste 409       Arlington, MA 02476